

  • Doctor of Nursing Practice, Lewis University
  • M.S. in Nursing, Lewis University
  • B.S. in Nursing, St. Mary’s College of Notre Dame


Nanci Reiland, DNP, RN, has worked in nursing higher education since 2004 when she received her master’s in nursing education. Prior to that, her nursing background focused on community-based care including roles at 91ߣƵing Nurse Associations, Home Care agencies, school and parish nursing, consulting for a home medical supply company and staff nursing at a university clinic. Reiland enjoys exposing students to the vast array of opportunities to serve clients’ needs in diverse settings outside the four walls of the hospital. Traveling to Bolivia and London with students heightened her interest in global initiatives.

During her preparation for her Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree, Reiland became more involved in the public health field including serving on several boards of health and health advisory committees. The COVID-19 pandemic provided a wealth of experiences and ability to share her expertise in the local community, including the university setting. After two decades at a Catholic and Lasallian University, Reiland is excited to come to St. Mary’s University to assist in the preparation of the inaugural BSN program.


Badowski, D., Rossler, K., Reiland, N., & Gill Gembala, L. (2021). Integration of Motivational interviewing within prelicensure nursing programs: a national survey. Nurse Educ. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001127.

Sherry, D., Reiland, N. (2021). Building trust with uninsured populations: Have you had your dose of Vitamin P today?, National Association of African American Studies Monograph, December, 2021.

Badowski, D., Rossler, K. & Reiland, N. (2021). Virtual simulation versus traditional clinical and manikin-based simulation, exploring student perceptions. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37 (4), 683-689. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2021.05.005

Reiland, N., Fitzgerald, K., & Maragos, M. (2019). Exploring interventions to increase primary care providers use of patient self-management goals. Patient Experience Journal, 6 (1). Available at: https://pxjournal.org/journal/vol6/iss1/5

Reiland, N. (2018). Health promotion, disease prevention and health education. In Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification, (pp. 17-32), New York, NY: McGraw Hill.



Poster co-presenter, “ Co-presenter at NLN Education Summit. Motivational Interviewing Skills to improve health outcomes: The current state in nursing education”


Emory NHWSN/Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association Joint International Research Conference (virtual), “Building Trust with Uninsured Populations Using Photovoice to Develop Interventions to Improve Health”.

Co-presenter at Lasallian Educator Symposium “Building Trust with Uninsured Populations: Using Photovoice to Develop Interventions to Improve Health”.

Co-presenter of University Experts Discuss the COVID Pandemic, Lewis University (February ’20 & January ’21)


E-poster presentation at Beryl Institute Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. “Exploring Interventions to Increase Primary Care Providers Use of Self-Management Goals”

Poster presentation at STTI Leadership Conference, Indianapolis IN “Does Training in MI Techniques Increase Self-Management Goals Use?”


Poster presentation at APHA Conference “Increasing Civic Engagement in Nursing Students Using Policy Watch”

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